☆ Eucalyptus Oil 白榭油 50ml, essential oil, sinusitis, common flu, blocked nose, cough, bronchitis, fibrositis, neuralgia
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🎀 Benefits of Chop Wah On Eucalyptus Embrocation (Eucalyptus Oil) 🎀 Our firm has been established for more than a century dealing with herbs and essential oils. Through years of experience and patient research, we succeeded in manufacturing this medicament. Chop Wah On has been using its proprietary special process to extract the various curative benefits of the Eucalyptus Embrocation (Eucalyptus Oil). 本号自开张至现有百多年之久积多年之研究与实地试验而成之白树油专治男女老幼外科各症用之见效诸君光顾请认商标招牌为记以免有鱼目混珠不良之药假冒本油兹为诸君利便起见特设各埠代售居家旅行必须常备可能护身尤能救人。 🩺 INDICATION 🩺 Apply externally as counter-irritant in the treatment of fibrositis & neuralgia and similar conditions. As a rubefacient for rheumatic pains and stiffness. To relieve cough in chronic bronchitis & symptomatic relief of common cold. This Embrocation is also good for the relief of the following: sprains, bruises, sore, insect bites & stings, skin itchiness, hot water scalds, minor cuts, and stomachache. 适应:功能可救助;纤维织炎,神经痛,风湿痛,产后风痛,手脚肿痛,腰腿筋痛,肌肉僵硬,四时感冒,慢性支气管炎及普通感冒症状,散疥止痛,扭伤挫伤,跌伤打伤,疮疥肿痛,无名肿毒,轻微刀伤,汤火烫伤,肚痛头晕,小儿肚痛,周身痒痛,止痒灭坛,蚊虫咬伤,舟车晕浪。 👉 DIRECTION 👈 For fibrositis, neuralgia, and similar conditions, pain & aches, rheumatic pain, sprains, bruises, stiffness apply Embrocation liberally on the affected part, rub smoothly and massage with smooth, firm massage strokes (effleurage) to promote relaxation and penetration of the oil to bring relief. To relieve cough in chronic bronchitis & symptomatic relief of common cold, symptoms of bronchitis & sinusitis, dispense about a teaspoon or two of this Embrocation into hot water and inhale from the steam. Thereafter, apply Embrocation to the back, neck, and chest and rub smoothly. For sores, minor cuts, skin itchiness, hot water scalds, insect bites & stings, apply Embroeation on the affected pan or wound. 特别使用于:伤风感冒,呼吸不顺畅,鼻塞。感冒:将一滴白树油轻搽在鼻孔然后再用白树油轻快的按摩胸部及背部。呼吸不顺畅,鼻塞(同伤风 感冒有关联):将少许白树 油加一碗热水,吸取白树油参透的蒸汽。驱风:将白树油轻轻涂抹在腹部,及能收到驱风的功效。 轻微割伤蚊虫咬伤:将白 📝 IMPORTANT NOTE 📝 ✔️ Overstimulation and rough rubbing will cause skin burn ✔️ Keep out of reach of children. ✔️ Avoid contact with eyes and mucous membranes when in use. ✔️ Consult a Chinese medicine practitioner or seek advice from a doctor before the use of this product on children ✨ Our product eucalyptus embrocation is an optimum blend of eucalyptus oil but for the purpose of visibility in the marketplace, we have to name it eucalyptus oil.

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