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(Bundle of 2) Fab Laundry Powder Detergent Anti-bac/Colour/Regular/Lavender/Downy 1.9kg
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Product details of Fab Laundry Powder Detergent : 1. Fab Laundry Powder Detergent Anti Bacterial : -For a brighter white. -Fab effectively removes multiple layers of dirt, leaving clothes clean and bright. -It has a fresh, floral scent and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor drying and for both hand and machine washing. 2. Fab Laundry Powder Detergent Colour : -For a brighter and fresher colors. -Fab effectively removes multiple layers of dirt, leaving clothes clean and soft. -It has a fresh, pleasant scent and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor drying and for both hand and machine washing. 3. Fab Laundry Powder Detergent Perfect Regular : -For a brighter white. -Fab Perfect effectively removes multiple layers of dirt, leaving clothes clean and bright. -It has a fresh, clean scent and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor drying and for both hand and machine washing. 4. Fab Laundry Powder Detergent with Freshness Of Lavender : -Effectively removes up to 99% germs and multiple layers of dirt, leaving clothes clean and bright. -Fresh, pleasant scent suitable for both indoor and outdoor drying for both hand machine wash, saving water and time. 5. Fab Laundry Powder Detergent With Freshness Of Downy : -Effectively removes up to 99% germs and multiple layers of dirt, leaving clothes clean and bright. -Easy clean and rinse with freshness from Downy. -Fresh, pleasant scent suitable for both indoor and outdoor drying for both hand machine wash, saving water and time.

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