3 Variations Available
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[ETUDE] Pang Pang Hair Shadow 3.5g / 3 Options

Hair cushion with composition of natural colors.

A hair shadow that naturally fills the empty hairline.

Daily color composition that can be used by both men and women.

- The secret that determines your portrayal and impression

- A hair shadow that naturally fills the empty hairline empty hairline

- lt consists dark and light tones brown and black colors to create a much natural hair look

01 Dark Brown

02 Light Brown

03 Natural Black

How to use

1. Open the cap and twist to remove puff.

2. Pull out the inner lid by holding the center or the edges.

3. After removing the inner cap, insert the puff back on and pat your hand until the product comes out.

4. Tap on the area you want to cover and apply the appropriate amount.