5 Variations Available
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Shipping from: Mainland China
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Country of Origin,Shelf Life

Be careful!!! This is Chinese food! The date on the product package is: production date!!! Not the expiration time!!! The date on the product package is: production date!!! Not the expiration time!!! Please don't misunderstand!! Our food is fresh and will not expire. Please rest assured!

HONlife Chia Seed Yoghurt Fruit Cereal - 好麦多奇亚籽燕麦300克酸奶麦片

Shelf Life: 10 months

5 Flavors:

1. Strawberry Fruit Granola (Production in October)

Weight: 105g

2. Chia Seed Cereal Yogurt Fruit Granola (Production in August)

Weight: 102g

3. Chia Seed Cereal Yogurt Mango Granola (Production in August)

Weight: 105g

4. Chia Seed Cereal Yogurt Peaches Granola(Production in October)

Weight: 105g

5. Chia Seed Cereal Crisp Meat Floss Seaweed Granola(Production in August)

Weight: 102g

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