3 Variations Available
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Arumi Korean Pancake 300g - Kimchi Pancake / Seafood Pancake / Spicy Leek Pancake
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Kimchi Pancake / Seafood Pancake

Korean traditional style pancake with rich flavor of kimchi and seafood - Great for the whole family- Flat shape easy cooking- Product of Korea- Pan-Fry / Microwave - Crispy, Savory pancake.

Spicy Leek Pancake

The Spicy Leek Pancake has a combination of fresh ingredients such as squid and various vegetables. It is a simple Korean food that is delicious and rich in texture.

Cooking Tips:

Pan Frying

1. Defrost product.

2. Pre-heat frying pan and cook over low to medium heat for 4-5 minutes.


1. Defrost product.

2. Pre-heat oven at 180 to 200 degrees and cook for 8-10 minutes.

Air Fryer

1. Defrost product.

2. Pre-heat air fryer at 180 to 200 degrees and cook for 7-8 minutes.

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