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SALE [JONGGA] HALAL Cut Cabbage Kimchi / Diced Radish Kimchi / Young Radish Leaves Kimchi - Korean
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Cut Cabagge 500g - 24/07/2024

PET Cut Cabbage 750g - 15/05/2024

Diced Kimchi - 15/05/2024

Young Kimchi - 15/05/2024

Whole Cabbage - 12/06/2024

PA Kimchi - 15/05/2024

Stir Fried - 15/05/2024

White Kimchi - 12/06/2024

Whole Radish - 15/05/2024

Dried Radish - 15/05/2024

Halal Mat Kimchi

Cut Cabbage Kimchi


This Sweet & Spicy Cut Cabbage Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables with variety of seasonings. Kimchi contains high concentration of dietary fibre while being low in calories. It can be eaten alone or with rice but it can also be included in recipes of other traditional dishes, including porridges, soups and rice cakes.

Halal Mat Kimchi

Cut Cabbage Kimchi


This Sweet & Spicy Cut Cabbage Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables with variety of seasonings. Kimchi contains high concentration of dietary fibre while being low in calories. It can be eaten alone or with rice but it can also be included in recipes of other traditional dishes, including porridges, soups and rice cakes.

Halal Kkatugi Diced Radish Kimchi


Kkakdugi is a kimchi made with Korean radish, mu (or moo). Radish is cut into cubes, salted for a short time and then mixed with seasonings. The name kkakdugi comes from how the radish is cut -- cubed, so it is known as cubed radish kimchi in English.

Yeolmo Kimchi

Young Radish Leaves Kimchi


This fresh kimchi is made with young radish leaves. The product uses a variety of ingredients in its preparation, especially starch, red pepper powder, red pepper, kelp sauce, garlic, green pepper and many others.

Halal Whole Cabbage Kimchi


Whole Cabbage Kimchi is a traditional fermented Korean side dish made of vegetables with variety of seasonings. Kimchi contains high concentration of dietary fibre while being low in calories. It can be eaten alone or with rice but it can also be included in recipes of other traditional dishes, including porridges, soups and rice cakes.

Pa Kimchi (Green Onion Kimchi) 300g/pouch

Pa-kimchi, also known as green onion kimchi or scallion kimchi, is one of types of kimchi that Koreans usually eat for banchan and is most popular in Jeolla-do. This is a popular kimchi made from green onions and is particularly popular in the spring season in Korea.

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