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Perk Coffee Beans - Wholebean Roasted Coffee Ground Coffee Beverages Kopi 咖啡豆
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About This Coffee


Various smallholder farmers from the Cerrado Mineiro region contribute to this fine coffee. This region is known for its flat plains and medium altitude of 1000-1300m. Trees are nurtured with organic fertilizers produced on each of the individual farms, preserving the microbial life in the soil. Coffee cherries are hand-picked, ensuring only the ripest fruit is selected.


Timo comes from the smallholder farming communities in the lofty volcanic slopes in the Aceh Gayo highlands. The volcanic fertile soils make this an ideal region for coffee production. The farmers who produce this coffee use shade trees that act like umbrellas. Shade trees allow more time for the coffee cherries to develop and produce their full nutritional potential.


These freshly roasted beans were then ground in a traditional wooden mortar and pestle before being boiled in a clay pot and served to each guest. The aroma and intense, strong flavor of this traditional way of making Ethiopian coffee is truly special.


Dark Roast. Intrepid is a rich and bold blend of specialty-grade coffee from Brazil and Sumatra, dark roasted to enhance the full-bodied cedar notes and velvety chocolate finish. Taste notes: Dark chocolate, caramel, toasted hazelnut, licorice, pine


It was the citrus aroma that first got us hooked, but upon tasting we identified complex flavors, including chocolate, nuts, and lemon. The cocoa aftertaste gives it a pleasant finish. This blend has medium-high acidity and a medium body. Our favorite brew? Espresso!


Medium-Dark Roast. Urbanite is a smooth and comforting blend of specialty coffee from South and Central America, medium roasted to enhance the chocolaty and nutty notes and sweet raisin finish.


The land where the coffee is grown is owned by the community, but each producer is in charge of specific plots and can sell the coffee they produce. Sun-drying can take more than 2 weeks, the prolonged exposure to the coffee fruit causes a very subtle and slow fermentation to occur and often imparts fruit-like flavors in the coffee itself.


The owner, Victor Hugo Martinez, is a very experienced coffee farmer and applies the best farming practices which results in a beautiful, balanced, smooth, and rich cup. Taste notes: Dark cherry, fig, brown sugar


A natural decaffeination process using the Swiss Water Method is employed. In this process, the coffee beans are soaked in caffeine-free green coffee extract, allowing the caffeine to be extracted from the bean and into the solution while the flavor components are retained in the beans.


La Esperanza, meaning The Hope in Spanish, is a thoroughly washed Strictly Hard Bean (SHB) grade coffee grown by one of the most innovative coffee producers in Jinotega, North Central Nicaragua.


This is a specially created espresso blend, with intense and robust profiles.

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