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Experience the healing tradition of herbal foot baths with our Tai Ji Herbal Foot Bath Series. If you suffer from cold hands and feet, tired and swollen feet after a long day, poor sleep quality, or are on a journey to wellness and weight management, these foot baths offer a centuries-old Chinese remedy to enhance your health and well-being. Benefits: Our Tai Ji Herbal Foot Baths offer an array of benefits, including: 1. Improved Blood Circulation and Sleep: Promote better circulation, enhancing overall vitality and sleep quality. 2. Strengthened Immune System: Boost your body's natural defenses and resilience. 3. Relaxation and Stress Reduction: Soothe your body and mind, reducing stress and tension. Tai Ji Mugwort Foot Bath 太极艾草泡脚: Ingredients: 3-year old wild Chinese mugwort. Benefits: Improves blood circulation, lymphatic circulation, expels coldness, and boosts immunity. How to Use: To enjoy a rejuvenating foot bath in the comfort of your home, simply fill a basin with hot water. Start with a lower temperature, adjusting to your comfort level, and add hot water as needed. Place one of the herbal packs into the water, soak your feet for 20 to 30 minutes, and repeat daily or every two days. Gentle Reminder: While foot baths offer numerous benefits, they may not be suitable for everyone. Please consider the following precautions: - Avoid foot soaking if you are extremely tired. - Do not soak your feet if you have skin damage or burn injuries in the foot area. - Patients with infectious diseases or acute illnesses such as pneumonia are not advised to foot soak. - Pregnant women should refrain from foot soaking. - Individuals with serious heart conditions or mental illnesses should avoid foot baths. - Foot soaking is not recommended for bronchiectasis patients or those who have experienced brain hemorrhages. - Individuals with acute diseases such as epidemic encephalitis B (JE) or epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis should avoid foot soaking. - Please note that our products are external and do not replace any medication. 《本草纲目》记载:“艾草苦辛,纯阳之性,通十二经,具有阳,理血气,走三阴,除寒湿。”本品采用野生三年蕲艾制成。通过促进血液循环和淋巴循环,以及经络运行气血通道,从而达到调理气血,祛寒除湿,改善健康的作用。 《本草纲目》记载:“艾草苦辛,纯阳之性,通十二经,具有阳,理血气,走三阴,除寒湿。”本品采用野生三年蕲艾制成。通过促进血液循环和淋巴循环,以及经络运行气血通道,从而达到调理气血,祛寒除湿,改善健康的作用。

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