It is often tricky to find good deals for everyday household essentials. For one, as they are items that people purchase regularly and in large amounts, they often sell at relatively inexpensive prices to begin with. However, it is not entirely impossible to get great discounts because we are letting you in on a big surprise this July.
S-mart, Shopee’s very own retail store selling household essentials, will have their official store launch on our homepage from 14 – 16 July. To celebrate this, there will be special exclusive brand boxes of up to 70% off up for grabs, up to 50% off storewide household essentials and FREE shipping for orders above $25. Upon purchase of items from S-mart, you will receive them in 2-3 working days. In addition, from 14 – 16 July, spend a minimum of $50 and you can get an additional 10% off the total cost. This is the month to save big on all the items you use everyday! Here’s a sneak preview of the deals we will be offering:
Mummies and Daddies, here’s a great deal you cannot miss! Items inside this grab bag include oral wipes, nipple wipes, cotton buds and baby laundry detergent, and all these are selling at a crazy discount of 53% off! Raising kids will be a cheap affair for once.
Original Price: $107.50
Sale Price: $50.00
Personal care and household duties will be less of a chore when you know you can get savings of up to 43% on the necessary housekeeping products! This best deal bag will contain daily essentials such as the Softlan Fabric Conditioner, as well as Colgate Toothpaste and Mouthwash. Time to get those long overdue housework done!
Original Price: $61.00
Sale Price: $35.00
Keep your childrens’ skin soft, supple and clean with the Cetaphil Personal Care & Baby Care Brand Box. The kit includes baby wash, shampoo and cleanser, and you can get this bundle at a crazy discount of 66% off! It also comes in a travel size kit, which will come in handy when you go for trips with your kids!
Original Price: $109.70
Sale Price: $36.85
Having a hygienic environment for your kids to play in is every parent’s biggest concern. With the Cloversoft Housekeeping & Baby Essentials Brand Box, which contains a swipe mop as well as organic baby wipes, keeping the area and your baby clean will be a much easier task.
Original Price: $125.40
Sale Price: $49.00
Besides our exclusive brand boxes, look out for our big savings deal where you can expect up to 48% off on the following best seller, trending products:
Psstt…we heard that these products are often sold out very fast, and some of them are trending products in the market now that are new onboard the Shopee platform! Make sure you get your hands on them as soon as you can before it is too late! See you around at S-mart!
New to Shopee? Get $7 off (min. spend $15) with code*: SMARTDEALS
* TNC Applies. Valid for new users from 14 to 21 July only.]]>
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