Categories: Parenting

20 DIY Christmas Card Ideas For Kids That’ll Make Santa Proud

Bring back the good ol’ tradition of sending Christmas cards this year with your kids! Creating cute handmade Christmas cards not only allows your kids to express their creativity but also makes this holiday extra fun and meaningful! In addition, it’ll warm their hearts when the kids see the happy faces of their friends and family who’ve received the cards. Check out our list of easy and fun DIY Christmas card ideas for kids and get ready for an art attack this festive season!

1. Reindeer Christmas Card

What’s Christmas without Santa’s reindeer? Your little ones can bring Rudolph to life this jolly season with this easy DIY Christmas card idea for kids! This cute little handmade Christmas card is bound to put a smile on your child’s face.

You will need:

  • Light green colour paper
  • Brown colour paper
  • Dark brown colour paper
  • Red colour paper
  • White paper
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Googly eyes
  • Coloured markers

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Hold the light green colour paper in landscape orientation and fold it vertically in half.
  2. Place the green card on top of the light brown paper and outline it. Cut the light brown paper following the outline.
  3. With the light brown paper in portrait orientation, fold it into half vertically to identify the centre crease line. Cut it into a triangle by connecting the tip of the centre crease line to the two bottom corners of the paper.
  4. Measure about 8 to 10cm from above the base of the triangle and mark the spot with a pencil. Fold the long side of the triangle horizontally such that the tip touches pencil marking. Glue the tip down.
  5. Glue the brown paper onto the green card. This forms the reindeer’s face.
  6. Using a dark brown coloured paper, cut out a pair of antlers and glue them onto the card.
  7. Cut out a big red nose for Rudolph or make this Christmas card idea for kids more interesting by using a red pom pom fur ball instead! Glue down the nose.
  8. Stick on the googly eyes above the nose.
  9. Place the card on top of the white paper and outline it. The white paper should be smaller than the green card, so reduce the outline by about 2 to 3cm. Cut out the white paper and stick it inside the card. Now, the little one can fill in the card with his or her Christmas wishes with coloured markers and mail it out!

2. 3D Paper Ornament Christmas Card

Many Christmas card ideas for kids draw inspiration from actual Christmas decorations. This 3D paper ornament Christmas card is no exception! Let your kids send some love to their friends and family via this easy handmade Christmas card idea that resembles the likes of shiny Christmas ornaments baubles or adorable Christmas honeycomb decorations. 

You will need:

  • Various colour papers (including black)
  • White paper
  • Die-cut machine
  • 7cm circle cutting die
  • Glue stick
  • Coloured markers

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. If you have a die-cut machine, such as the Circuit Joy Smart Cutter, this step will be super quick! Help your kids to cut out 13 circles using a 7cm circle cutting die. The circles can be of any colour according to your child’s liking!

    Pro Tip:
    For those who don’t have a die-cut machine, simply use a 360 protractor or a geometry compass to outline 13 circles on the colour paper. Cut them out and you’re now all ready to make this Christmas card idea for kids.
  2. Fold all the circles in half.
  3. Fold the white paper in half vertically in landscape view to create the Christmas card.
  4. Glue one circle onto the centre of the card — this will be your ornament base.
  5. Cut out a long strip of black paper (about 0.5cm thick and at least 8cm long) and a small black rectangle measuring 3 x 2cm.
  6. Glue the small black rectangle on the top of the ornament base, making sure to overlap it. Touching the black rectangle, stick on the long strip of black paper vertically towards the top of the card. Snip off any excess of the black strip that’s sticking out of the card.
  7. Here comes the fun part for your little ones! Apply glue to one side of a folded circle created in step 2 and stick it onto the ornament base, overlapping the black rectangle.
  8. Apply glue to one side of another folded circle (you can pick a different colour circle) and stick it onto the folded circle in step 7.
  9. Repeat step 8 with the rest of the folded circles until you reach the last circle. Apply glue to the last circle and attach it to the ornament base. You’ve created a rainbow 3D paper ornament Christmas card!

3. Fluffy Christmas Stocking Card

One of the most iconic Christmas décor is the Christmas stocking! Christmas stockings are usually filled with gifts and surprises waiting to be unwrapped. Get your little one all pumped up for the holidays with this easy Christmas stocking card idea!

You will need:

  • Red coloured paper
  • Black permanent marker
  • Cotton balls
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Hot glue gun

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Fold the red coloured paper vertically in landscape view.
  2. With a pencil, sketch out the shape of a Christmas stocking on one side of the card. Make sure that the toe portion of the stocking is at the opening of the card.
  3. Cut along the lines you’ve drawn in step 2, keeping the card folded.
  4. Unravel a cotton ball to reveal a long strip of cotton. Line the cotton on the tip of the stocking and cut away any excess. Expand the cotton strip by stretching it gently.
  5. Repeat step 4 so you get two strips of cotton.
  6. Help your kids with this step. Using a hot glue gun, secure the cotton strips onto the tip of the stocking.
  7. Let your kids’ creativity run wild as they decorate the card with words and doodles!

4. Snow Globe Shaker Card

While we may not have winter in sunny Singapore, the kids can witness the beautiful snowfall via a snow globe card! This is one of the best easy Christmas card ideas for kids as they can shake it and watch the styrofoam beads rain down in the ‘snow globe’! This handmade Christmas card is so pretty to look at, it’ll make a great Christmas decor for your home!

You will need:

  • Shallow transparent plastic lid or the base of a transparent plastic cup
  • White styrofoam beads
  • Light blue coloured paper
  • Green coloured paper
  • Black coloured paper
  • White paper
  • Coloured markers
  • Crayons
  • Correction fluid
  • White glue
  • Hot glue gun

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Fold the light blue coloured paper into half vertically in landscape orientation, this forms your card base.
  2. Place the transparent plastic lid (or cup base) on the card and trace the circle with a pencil. This marks the position of the globe.
  3. Using coloured markers and crayons, get your kids to draw their dream wonderland inside the circle
  4. Cut out two small circles of different sizes on the white paper.
  5. With white glue, attach the bigger white circle inside the globe to match your drawing before gluing on the smaller white circle on top. Now you have the snowman’s body!
  6. Create a hat for the snowman by using the black paper.
  7. Draw the snowman’s eyes, mouth, and hands with coloured markers.
  8. Cut two elongated triangles on the green-coloured paper – these are your Christmas trees! The kids can add small decorations to the trees using coloured markers too!
  9. Stick the trees next to the snowman into the globe.
  10. Create a snowy effect inside the globe by dotting on correction fluid.
  11. Place a handful of 2mm white styrofoam beads onto the centre of the globe.
  12. Parents will have to help the little ones attach the transparent plastic lid onto the card by hot gluing the edges of the lid.

Pro Tip: Keep the card laying flat until the hot glue has solidified before shaking the card. This prevents the beads from sticking to the sides of the globe. 

5. Dangling Mistletoe Card

It’s time for a cute peck on your little one’s cheeks because we’re creating a handmade mistletoe Christmas card! This is one of the best last-minute Christmas card ideas for kids because it requires very few materials and can be completed in less than 10 minutes!

You will need:

  • A5 white paper
  • White glue
  • 5 red buttons
  • Coloured markers
  • Christmas ribbon (of your choice)
  • Ruler

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. To create the card, fold the white paper in half vertically in landscape orientation.
  2. Dot white glue around the top half of the card and attach the red buttons onto the paper.
  3. Using a black marker, draw mistletoe leaves on top of each red button.
  4. With a ruler, draw a straight line up to the top of the card from each mistletoe.
  5. Fill in the leaves with a green coloured marker.
  6. Measure the width of the card and trim the Christmas ribbon accordingly. Glue it onto the bottom half of the card.
  7. Let the kids fill in the card with well wishes and a heartfelt message to express their love this Christmas!

6. Glitzy 3D Pop-up Christmas Tree

Don’t have space for a sparkling white Christmas tree in your apartment? That’s ok because your little ones can make one of their own with this fun and easy Christmas tree card idea for kids!

You will need:

  • Green coloured paper
  • White paper
  • 2 A4 colour paper of your choice
  • Various art gems and pearls
  • Glue stick
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Metallic coloured markers
  • Black permanent marker
  • Ruler

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Place the A4 green coloured paper in landscape orientation and fold it in half vertically to create a crease line – this marks the centre of the paper.
  2. Measure 10cm from the centre on both the left and the right sides of the paper and mark with a pencil.
  3. Using a ruler, connect the tip of the crease to one of the pencil markings you made at the base of the paper. Fold the paper against the ruler. Repeat this on the other side of the paper. You should have an outline of a triangle now.
  4. Remove the ruler and fold one side of the paper towards the centre, following the diagonal crease line you’ve just created in step 3. Fold the paper again, this time in the opposite direction, such that the fold coincides with the centre crease line. Repeat this on the other side.
  5. Your paper should now look somewhat like a diamond shape with two ‘wings’ at the bottom. Cut through the edges where the diamond and the ‘wings’ intersect in a gently curved manner. Your card should resemble the shape of a pizza slice now.
  6. Line a ruler to the centre opening of the card and mark with a pencil at the following spots – 4, 7 and 10cm. These spots mark the layered tier of the Christmas tree.
  7. Based on the three spots marked in step 7, cut out the shape of half a Christmas tree on the right side of the card.
  8. Unfold the first layer of the card on the right side and lay it over the left side of the card. Cut the left side of the card, following the shape of the tiered Christmas tree you’ve created in step 7. This ensures the card looks symmetrical on both sides. Fold the right side of the card back.
  9. Place a white paper in landscape orientation and fold it vertically in half.
  10. Hold up the first layer of the green Christmas card and place it on top of the folded white paper. Cut the folded white paper along the outline of the green card, you should get two white paper of the same shape now.
  11. Fold one of the white paper into half vertically and cut along the crease line. Then, glue them into the green card according to the shapes. The bigger piece of white paper should be in the centre, while the other two smaller pieces should be on each inner side of the green card.
  12. Get your kids to pick two coloured papers. Help them to cut the colour papers into four small rectangles measuring 4.5 x 7cm. Also, cut four small white rectangles measuring 3cm x 4cm.
  13. Fold the coloured rectangles into half horizontally. Unfold them and glue the white rectangles on the inner lower half of the coloured rectangles. Then, fold the rectangles up and glue them onto the Christmas card.
  14. Using metallic paint markers, get the kids to draw their own present designs on the rectangles. Additionally, they can also write a short message inside the ‘presents’.
  15. All that’s left now is for the little ones to pen down their festive greetings in the card and decorate the outside of the handmade Christmas card with art gems and art pearls!

7. Cotton Bud Christmas Wreath

DIY Christmas card ideas can’t get any easier than this! The Cotton Bud Christmas Wreath makes for a quick and mess-free last-minute craft idea for the little ones. Just grab a bunch of cotton buds lying in your vanity drawer and get this project started with the kids!

You will need:

  • A toilet paper roll
  • A bunch of cotton buds
  • Rubber band
  • Poster colours
  • Bowl
  • Blank card
  • Bow
  • Glue

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Wrap a bunch of cotton buds around the toilet paper roll and secure them in place with a rubber band. This will be your DIY wreath stencil.
  2. Let the kids pick out their favourite poster colour and squeeze the paint into a bowl or paint mixing palette. This will be the base colour of the wreath.
  3. Dip the DIY wreath stencil into the paint, ensuring there’s paint on every cotton bud tip.
  4. Stamp the DIY wreath stencil firmly onto a blank card.
  5. Ask the kids to pick a different paint colour and dip a single cotton bud into the paint. Dot this colour onto the wreath to add dimensions to the overall piece.
  6. Glue a bow onto the bottom of the wreath to complete this easy Christmas card idea for kids!

8. String Calligraphy Christmas Card

Who said you can only write on a Christmas card with markers and pens? Get creative and ‘write’ with a piece of string (and some glue, of course) to create this unique yet oh-so-easy String Calligraphy Christmas Card with the kids!

You will need:

  • Blank card
  • White glue
  • String
  • Washi tape
  • Pencil

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Before you begin this DIY Christmas card idea for kids, get the little one to pick out their favourite Christmas wishing for the card design.
  2. Use white glue to ‘write’ the wishing on the card, ensuring to squeeze a generous amount for every stroke for better adherence.
  3. Work quickly for this step. Line the string up on the areas with glue to create your string calligraphy. Leave the glue to dry for about 10 minutes.
  4. Frame up the card with some pretty washi tape and it’s a wrap!

9. Lace Up The Christmas Tree

Creating an easy Christmas card idea is also a good opportunity for your kids to learn some fine motor skills – especially if you’ve been trying to teach them how to lace their shoes! This cute DIY Lace Up Christmas Tree card idea is perfect for practising their shoe lacing skills. 

You will need:

  • Blank card
  • Pencil
  • Screwdriver
  • Shoelace or string
  • Beads

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Sketch out the shape of a Christmas tree on the card with the pencil.
  2. Parents can help the kids with this step. Punch holes into the card along the Christmas tree outline.
  3. Tie a knot at the end of the shoelace or string and let the kids have fun as they lace it horizontally through the holes on the card, starting from the bottom of the tree. They can even string some of these smiley face beads through the card to add a pop of colour!
  4. When they reach the tip of the Christmas tree, simply tie a knot and snip off the excess string to secure it in place.

10. Folded Scenery Christmas Card

Watch a charming winter scene unfold in this easy Christmas card idea for kids! With just some basic stationery, your kids can last-minute DIY a beautiful Christmas card through a couple of cuts and folds — it’s really that simple!

You will need:

  • A4 white paper
  • A4 coloured paper (in green and any other colour of your choice)
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • Fine black pen
  • White chalk

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Fold the A4 white paper into four sections and cut it diagonally across.
  2. Align the folds into a single sheet and place it at the edge of your choice of A4 coloured paper. Continue by cutting the coloured paper to the size of your folded sheet.
  3. Once completed, glue the two pieces of paper together and begin designing the scenery by cutting the green paper into a few small triangles to resemble the trees.
  4. Glue the trees along the white edges and draw the tree stalks and branches with the fine black pen.
  5. Draw multiple circles on the coloured end of the card with white chalk to create a snowy background.
  6. Fill in the white spaces with characters of your choice – snowmen, skiers, gift boxes – this is the perfect opportunity for your kids to work on their imagination. There you have it, a creative handmade Christmas card idea for kids in under 10 minutes!

11. Fingerprint Lights Christmas Cards


Eager to help your child explore the world of finger painting? If you don’t mind a little colour splatter, this is a simple DIY Christmas card idea for kids — their fingerprints can be easily transformed into a string of holiday lights. 

You will need:

  • Cardstock papers
  • Washable finger paints
  • Black marker
  • Paint brush
  • Scissors

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Cut an A4 cardstock into half and fold it from the middle.
  2. Using a black marker, draw the wire for the lights. This is the time for your child to get creative with their design.
  3. To make the colourful light bulbs, have your child dip their finger in washable finger paints and stamp along the black line. To ensure that the fingerprints are evenly spread out, you may also indicate points along the line where your child can place their print.
  4. After the fingerprints dry, add a small white paint accent on the lights using a paint brush.
  5. Finish off by letting your child write Merry Christmas messages for relatives and friends on the card’s interior. Your cute fingerprint Christmas lights card is now ready for gifting!

12. Washi Tape Baubles Christmas Card

You can’t go wrong with this washi tape baubles Christmas card if you’re looking for a quick and cute DIY Christmas card idea for kids! Hehe, sometimes simplicity is the best way forward for aspiring artists. As your kids have some fun, you might want to take this chance to zeng up your home with the best Christmas decor ideas too. 

You will need:

  • Washi tapes
  • Scissors
  • A4 white paper
  • A5 green paper
  • White glue
  • Gold pen

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Cut out white circles of your desired size to create the Christmas ornaments.
  2. Tear off strips of different coloured Christmas washi tape and wrap the strips of tape around the circles, until they are completely covered. Be sure to cut off any excess tape.
  3. Glue the bauble shape onto the front of the green paper
  4. Your child can then use a silver pen to add a silver thread above the bauble so that it looks like a bauble hanging on a Christmas Tree. Wow! A handmade christmas card in just 5 minutes!

13. Glittery Santa Hat

Ho ho ho, nothing screams Merry Christmas more than a homemade Christmas card with a Santa hat right smack in the centre. Why not be Santa Claus and make it a ho’ lot of surprises by pairing this card with the best Xmas advent calendars as well? It’ll be the perfect gift combination for the holidays!

You will need:

  • A4 paper (in white and red)
  • PVA craft glue
  • Scissors
  • Red glitter
  • Cotton ball
  • Fake fur

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Fold the A4 white paper into half and set aside.
  2. Trace a triangle of your desired size on the red paper and cut it out once complete.
  3. Fill one side of the triangle with PVA craft glue and cover it with a generous amount of red glitter.
  4. Turn the triangle over and apply another layer of PVA craft glue to this side before sticking it to the white paper.
  5. Glue the strip of fake fur to the bottom of the triangle while wrapping three cotton balls around the top. That’s all – This is no double a fun and cute DIY Christmas card idea for kids!

14. Button Snowman Christmas Card

Got some loose buttons lying around the house? It’s the perfect time for you to teach your child the 3Rs – reduce, reuse, and recycle! Transform the humble button into a festive greeting by using them for an easy and cute DIY Button Snowman Christmas card. 

You will need:

  • Two-holed transparent/white buttons
  • A4 paper
  • Black pen
  • Craft glue
  • Red felt paper

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Fold the A4 paper into half and line up the buttons onto the card to create the snowman.
  2. Take a black pen and mark the holes of the buttons, and draw the arms of the snowman at your desired spot.
  3. Glue the small buttons down and set them aside for drying.
  4. In the meantime, cut the red felt paper into two small strips to resemble a mini scarf. You may wish to trim the edges of the scarf to give it a little texture.
  5. With a little glue, attach the scarf to the head of the snowman and press down to ensure the scarf is secured. Write a seasonal greeting under the snowman and the handmade Christmas card is now complete!

15. Elf Handprint Christmas Card

Although there are plenty of fun Xmas songs, one of our top favourites is We Are Santa’s Elves. If you’re crafting with your kids, this cute elf Christmas card is hands-down one of the best Christmas card ideas!

You will need:

  • Coloured cardstock (in skin colour, red, green, black and white)
  • Small red pom pom
  • White cotton balls
  • Black marker
  • Glue stick
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Trace your child’s left hand on a piece of skin-coloured paper and cut the handprint out.
  2. To make the elf’s hat, cut out a cone shape from the green paper and strips of red paper with jagged edges.
  3. Glue the red papers to the bottom of the green cone to make the elf’s hat. After that, glue the white cotton ball to the hat’s tip.
  4. Place the finished elf hat over the three middle fingers, leaving the thumb and pinky exposed. Glue in place and trim away any excess paper that protrudes from behind the hat.
  5. Make two eyes from the black and white papers and glue them just below the hat.
  6. Draw a smile with the black marker and glue on the red pom pom to make the nose – your handmade elf Christmas card is now complete!

16. Pull-out Gift Box Card

The Pull-Out Gift Box Card is the ultimate Christmas craft for kids! It’s like a little gift that surprises you — pull it open and boom, a sweet message awaits. Perfect for spreading holiday cheer, plus it’s so easy and fun, even the Grinch couldn’t resist making one!

You will need:

  • White paper (12 x 10cm)
  • Coloured paper (green, red)
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Black marker

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Place a ruler along the long side of your paper. Mark points at 2cm, 7cm, and 12cm.
  2. Draw a vertical line downwards from each of these marks, dividing the paper into three sections.
  3. Fold the paper in half at the 7cm mark. Then, fold the paper outward at the 12cm mark to create a “box” shape.
  4. Prepare two separate sheets of green paper. Glue one sheet to each end of the paper, creating the sides of the present box.
  5. Fold the paper along the centre crease. Cut two white strips of paper and place them on the card, as if wrapping the present.
  6. Add a longer white strip across the middle to complete the wrapping.
  7. Cut out a ribbon shape from red paper and glue it to the top of the card.

17. Stitched Bauble Card

The Threaded Bauble is the ideal project for mums with a stash of yarn just waiting to be used! If you love crocheting and want to teach your kids from a young age, this is a fun, hands-on craft that introduces them to the joys of working with yarn

You will need:

  • White paper
  • Yarn (light and dark yellow)
  • String
  • Needle

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Trace two circles on a piece of white paper — one large and one small.
  2. Use a needle to poke holes along the edges of both circles.
  3. Start by threading yellow yarn through the outer circle, then into the inner circle, creating a criss-cross pattern. Continue this pattern until you’ve completed one round.
  4. Switch to a lighter-coloured yarn and repeat the pattern for another round.
  5. Take a separate piece of string, tie it into a small ribbon, and glue it to the top of your bauble.

18. Unicorn Christmas Card

As kids, we all believe in magic… and this is a great time for your little ones to create some magic of their own with this enchanting unicorn card! Watch as they bring the mythical creature to life with colourful paper strips, glitter, and a little imagination. 

You will need:

  • White card
  • Pastel Spectrascope paper
  • Craft knife (or paper trimmer)
  • Ruler
  • Cocktail stick
  • PVA glue
  • Gold glitter
  • Black fine line pen
  • Scissors

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Lightly sketch the unicorn’s horn, face, and neck onto the front of your card using a pencil. Use a unicorn template if needed.
  2. Cut your coloured paper into 1 cm strips. You’ll need 3 lilac, 4 blue, 4 mint and 4 peach strips.
  3. Take a purple strip of paper and carefully follow the outline of the unicorn from the base of the neck to the horn. Cut the strip to fit.
  4. Apply a small amount of glue along the edge of the purple strip, then carefully position it over the pencil line. Hold in place for about 20 seconds and let it dry.
  5. Cut a short strip of purple paper for the muzzle and glue it in place on the unicorn’s face.
  6. Take a paper strip and tightly wrap it around a cocktail stick. Once wrapped, pull the cocktail stick out, continuing to wrap to the end. Set the coil aside.
  7. Repeat this process to make 14 coils, using a mix of your coloured paper strips.
  8. Gently stretch out each coil and cut them into different lengths. Test them on the unicorn as you go to get the desired look for the mane.
  9. Once satisfied with the mane, glue the coils in place on the unicorn’s neck.
  10. Cut a 6 cm strip of paper and fold it in half. Apply glue to both sides, then dip it into gold glitter.
  11. Glue the glittered strip to the unicorn’s horn. Apply some glue directly to the horn on the card and sprinkle on more gold glitter. Tip off the excess glitter back into the packet.
  12. Use a black fine-line pen to draw an eye and nostril on your unicorn.

Tip: To prevent your paper decorations from getting squished, don’t put the card in an envelope. Instead, use a small gift box or pop the card into a gift bag for safe keeping!

19. Cupcake Liner Christmas Camper Card

Going on a camping trip this Christmas? Make it a core memory by letting your kids create their own Cupcake Liner Holiday Camper Card! It’s a great way to bond, get creative, and capture the joy of the holiday season together. Every time they look at the card, they’ll remember the special moments spent crafting and camping as a family!

You will need:

  • Silver cupcake liners
  • Cardstock Paper (white, red, grey and black)
  • Cardstock cards
  • Glue stick or tape runner
  • Scissors
  • Christmas tree stickers
  • Sharpie marker

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Take one silver cupcake liner and gently flatten it with your hands.
  2. Fold the liner in half and glue it together in the center to form the body of the camper.
  3. Glue the flattened cupcake liner to the center of a small piece of white cardstock. This will later be glued to the front of your card.
  4. Using your remaining cardstock and scissors, cut out one small black and red circle for the wheels and a gray window.
  5. Glue the cardstock pieces (wheels and window) onto the cupcake liner to complete the camper’s shape.
  6. Add a Christmas tree sticker on top of the camper for a festive touch.
  7. Use a Sharpie marker to draw additional details like a doorknob on the door, the hitch, and a tree stump.

20. Pasta Wreath Christmas Card

Cooking up a feast but don’t want your kids to get in the way? Keep them busy for hours with a Pasta Wreath Christmas Card! With no dangerous materials involved — just pasta, paint, and glitter — they’ll be entertained while you focus on the cooking. 

You will need:

  • Cardstock paper (white and green)
  • Ribbon
  • Farfalle (bow tie pasta)
  • Paint (blue, yellow and red)
  • Paint brush
  • Gold glitter
  • Glue

How to make this easy Christmas card idea:

  1. Mix blue and yellow paint together to create a shade of green that you like. Paint the pasta with the green colour and let it dry completely.
  2. Once the paint is dry, apply glue to the edges of the pasta and sprinkle gold glitter dust on top. Set aside to dry.
  3. Take a piece of white paper and make markings at the 11.5cm mark on both the top and bottom edges of the long side.
  4. Draw a line down and cut along it, then cut the strip in half to create a square.
  5. On the square sheet, arrange the dried bow tie pasta into a circular wreath shape. Once you’re happy with the arrangement, glue the pasta pieces down.
  6. Take a piece of green paper and mark at the 14cm mark. Cut the paper at this point. Fold the green paper in half to create the card base.
  7. Glue the white sheet with the pasta wreath onto the front of the folded green card.
  8. Fold your ribbon into a nice bow and cut any excess ribbon. Paste it at the bottom.

Kick off the holiday season with these easy DIY Christmas card ideas for kids

We hope these easy Christmas card ideas for kids brought about laughter and joy for your little ones this holiday season! Enjoy some of the best instant hot chocolates as you craft the afternoon away. But of course, there’s always more to look forward to during Christmas such as our 12.12 Birthday Sale! Get your Xmas gifts sorted with our ultimate Christmas gift ideas for different budgets. Or if you’re having a family gathering, make it special with our Christmas cocktail recipes and enjoy a jolly good time! 

This article was updated on 4 December 2024. Additional research done by Shermyn Tan.

Iris Tan

A full-time writer and a part-time cat lover, Iris takes interest in all furry friends. When she's not scrolling through her long feed of cat images on Instagram, she enjoys keeping up to date with the latest beauty and fashion trends.

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