Bottoms Up: Have Fun With These 11 Best Drinking Games
(Credit: Oveth Martinez / Unsplash)
There’s no better way to spend time with your squad than playing a round (or two) of insane drinking card games together. If you’re unsure which drinking games would fit your group dynamics best, fret not! We’ve prepared a list of the best drinking games that are bound to fill the room with tipsy laughter. So bring in the alcohol, it’s time to have some fun!
Handphones can be the biggest distractions at any gathering so it helps that the I Should Have Known That (available on Simple – Game) drinking card game forbids the use of any mobile device. This is a fun adult drinking card game that tests your trivia knowledge on anything and everything under the sun including pop culture, movies as well as common acronyms — but no Googling!
Set up: Everyone is to sit in a circle with a can of Iceberg Smooth Lager Beer (available on Chia Khim Lee Food Industries) each. Shuffle the deck and place them faced down in the middle of the circle. Each player starts with a set number of points (depending on how many cards your group wants to play).
How to play this best drinking game:
Going in a round, each player takes turns to draw a card from the deck and read it out loud. The cards have different trivia questions.
The person on your left has to answer the question. If the player gets it right, then nothing happens.
If the player answers the question wrongly, he/she has to down a shot! A point will also be subtracted for every incorrect answer
The player with the most points at the end wins the game
If you think you can survive a party night with your friends completely clear-headed, then you obviously haven’t played Sotally Tober (available on Simple – Game), which is one of the best drinking games around. From holding your breath, to thumb wrestling and even a push-up challenge, you will definitely feel worn out. But please, try to stay totally sober!
Set up: Shuffle the cards and make a pile faced down in the center of the group. Prepare several shots of Suntory Roku Gin (available on Shopee Supermarket), and you’re ready to begin!
How to play this best drinking game:
Moving in any direction of the group’s choice, each player takes turn to draw a card from the deck
The cards have various challenges (five types in total) — some to be done individually, or together as a group
If a player decides not to complete the task at hand, they must take a shot and earn a point
The player with the least points (and drinks the least shots) at the end of the game wins
Need ideas for a best drinking game to get everyone warmed up? Then, These Cards Will Get You Drunk (available on is exactly what you need. As its name suggests, this is a fun drinking card game that will most probably get you drunk, but not after loads of topsy fun! The game can accommodate as few as two players or as many as eight players so no one will be left out.
Set up: Get all the players to sit in a circle with a can of Anglia Shandy (available on warehousesupplies) each. Shuffle the cards and place them faced down in the middle of the circle.
How to play this best drinking game:
Moving clockwise, each player takes turn drawing from the deck and reading the card out loud
The cards have various challenges. Some will require the player to act out a scene from a movie for others to guess. Others include quick reflex challenges or call for a vote to sabotage one player to drink.
We don’t recommend playing this game too early into your gathering, lest everyone gets too drunk to hold proper conversations. But with that said, the Do or Drink Game (available on is the best way to end the night with your friends! Be sure to warn them about how savage this best drinking game can be so they know what they are signing up for. Also, just a word of advice — DO NOT play this with your family!
Set up: All the players are to sit in a circle and prepare several shots of Jose Cuervo Especial Gold Tequila (available on The First Pour). Separate the white and black cards into two piles and shuffle them.
How to play this best drinking game:
The first player draws a card from the white card pile, reads it aloud and does as the card says. The white card contains challenges such as arm wrestling and voting to sabotage one player to drink up.
Each player repeats the above steps until someone gets a white “DRAW” card
Once a white “DRAW” card appears, the player must take a card from the black card pile. Read the black card aloud and do as the card says. The black card contains some crazy dares (example: calling your ex and telling them you want to get back together) and failure to perform the dare means you have to drink or quit the game.
If a player completes a challenge on the black card, they can keep the card and earn one point
The subsequent players go back to drawing from the white card pile until the white “DRAW” card appears again
The player with the most points wins the game
Best poker card drinking games to play with your squad
5. Red or Black
Here’s a simple drinking card game that you can play with your family. The Red or Black poker card drinking game is easy to grasp as it’s almost purely based on luck!
The first player draws a card and shows it to the rest of the group without themselves looking at it
Then, the player has to guess whether the card drawn is red or black
If answered correctly, the player escapes the drinking penalty. If the answer given is wrong, the player has to drink up.
Move on to the next player and repeat the steps for a fun, tipsy night!
6. Higher or Lower
This game builds on the Red or Black card game (#5), and is bound to be even more challenging but fun at the same time. When everyone has gotten into the mood, turn things up a notch and pray that the God of luck is on your side!
Set up: Gather all players in a circle. Prepare a deck of shuffled poker cards. This time around, go for a stronger alcoholic beverage like the Jinro Green Grape Soju (available on S-Mart by Shopee Official Store) to up the stakes. The subtle green grape flavour adds a fruity flavour to the bitter aftertaste of soju, making it much more pleasant to drink.
How to play this best drinking game:
Play one round of Red or Black drinking card game, with each player keeping the card drawn in their hands
Thereafter, each player has to draw a second card during their turn and show it to the rest of the room without looking at the card
The player has to guess whether the card they got from the previous round is higher or lower than the card they drew in this round
Player who make a wrong guess have to drink up
Move on to the next player and repeat the steps
7. King’s Cup
King’s Cup is definitely one of the best drinking games among party-goers because of how you can never avoid drink penalties in this game. Purely based on luck, this drinking card game can be played with more than four players — perfect for larger gatherings.
Set up: Prepare a can of unopened beer such as the Tiger Lager Beer Can (available on Shopee Supermarket). Spread a deck of poker cards in a circle surrounding the can of beer. Make sure all the cards are facing down. Meanwhile, have all the players seated in a circle around the table with a can of the beer in their hands.
Pro tip: Print out the list of commands associated with each card for players to easily refer to.
How to play this best drinking game:
First player picks one of the cards and drinks according to the command associated with the card (refer below)
Thereafter, slot the card underneath the can ring, making sure not to open the can
Move on to the next player and repeat the steps
If the can of beer pops open while a player slotting their card underneath the can ring, that player has to down the entire can of beer!
Replace with a new can of unopened beer to continue the game
The game ends when all cards are drawn
Commands associated with each card:
Ace: Waterfall — The player who drew this card starts to drink, followed by the player to their right. Repeat this until every player in the circle is drinking. Players can only stop drinking if the player on their left stops drinking.
2: You — The player who drew this card assigns a drink to another player
3: Me — The player who drew this card drinks
4: Floor — Last player to touch the floor with their hands has to drink
5: Guys — All guys drink
6: Babes — All girls drink
7: Heaven — Last player to raise both their hands has to drink
8: Mate — The player who drew this card has to pick another player to drink with
9: Rhyme — The player who drew this card has to say a phrase. Other players must come up with a phrase that rhymes with the first phrase. The player who fails to do so has to drink.
10: Categories — Player who drew this card has to come up with a category and list one thing that falls in the category. Other players should try to list different things that fall in the suggested category. The player who fails to do so has to drink.
Jack: Never have I ever — All players to put up five fingers. Starting with the player who drew the card, each player has to say something they have never done before. Players who have done the mentioned activity have to put a finger down. The first person to have all five fingers down loses and has to drink up.
Queen: Questions — The player who drew this card gets to ask another player a question. The question must be answered otherwise, they have to drink.
King: Ruler — The player who drew this card gets to make a rule that everyone must follow throughout the game until the next King card is drawn. For example, the player with the King card can command everyone to drink after each turn.
Not to be mistaken for Kings Card, this Korean drinking card game is popular among college students or at matchmaking events. If you know of someone who has a crush on another friend that’s present at your gathering, make sure both of them play this best drinking game!
Set up: Gather at least three players for this drinking card game. Prepare a few vodka shots with the Absolut Vodka Blue (available on Pernod Ricard Official Store) for the game penalty. Extract one King, Ace, 2 and 3 cards out of a deck — you can add on more cards such as 4 and 5, depending on the number of players you have. Shuffle the cards and let the poker card drinking game begin!
How to play this best drinking game:
Each player picks a card without revealing the number to the rest of the group
The player with a King card plays the role of the King and gets to choose two cards to manipulate. For example, the King can ask players who are holding cards 2 and 3 to kiss each other!
If the chosen players refuse to follow the King’s command, they have to drink up
Shuffle the cards and repeat the steps. It’ll be fun seeing the ‘King’ come up with wild commands!
If the basic Truth or Dare game is getting too boring for your team, you can spice things up by playing the Give and Take drinking card game. The turns are randomised and players have an additional option to drink besides speaking a truth or doing a dare!
Set up: Gather all players in a circle around a table and give everyone a bottle of Hoegaarden White Beer (available on Shopee Supermarket) each. Pick a dealer, who will shuffle and distribute four cards to each player. These cards are to be placed faced up so that everyone at the table can see. Then, the dealer has to form two rows of six cards face down on the table.
How to play this best drinking game:
The cards on the left row represent Truth, while the cards on the right row represent Dare. The numbers on the card represent the duration a player has to drink if they refuse to do either a Truth or a Dare. Ace, Jack, Queen and King cards represent a full bottle chug.
The dealer flips a card from the Truth row
Players whose cards have the same number as the card dealt will have to answer a Truth question. Players who fail to answer will have to drink for as long as the number stated on the card dealt. Example: If the card dealt is the 10 of spades, the player has to drink for 10 seconds straight.
The dealer has to take a mouthful of beer for every player who successfully answers a Truth question
The dealer then replaces the card dealt with a new card, placed face down on the table
Thereafter, the dealer should repeat the process by flipping a card on the Dare row. Alternate between each row for every turn.
Special rules:
If a player has two cards on hand that match the number of the card dealt, they can assign another player to take on the challenge together.
If no one has a matching card to the one dealt, everyone (including the dealer) drinks for two seconds straight
This simple yet exciting best drinking game is great for those who prefer a game that’s more skill based. Forget about the complicated game rules, this drinking card game is meant for honing your ninja skills!
Set up: All players should be seated around a table, slightly spaced out. Prepare a liquor with higher alcohol content to up the stakes, such as the Chivas Regal 18 yrs (available on Pernod Ricard Official Store). Pick a dealer, who will distribute all the poker cards evenly among players, face down. Keep the table relatively empty.
How to play this best drinking game:
Picking a card from their pile, the first player throws the card like a ninja star onto the table.
If the card lands face down or falls off the table, the first player has to drink and pass the turn on to the next player.
If the card lands face up, the first player skips the penalty and passes the turn to the next player
The next player has to attempt to throw their card face up. Failure to do so will lead to a drinking penalty — drink for as long as the total value of the cards facing up on the table. Example: If the 10 of hearts and 10 of spades cards are on the table, the player will have to drink for 20 seconds straight.
Repeat the steps until everyone runs out of cards
Special rules:
Face cards (Jack, Queen, King) are worth 10 seconds of drink penalty, while the Ace card is worth 11 seconds of drink penalty
Everyone has to drink if a Jack card is thrown and it lands face up
All girls have to drink if a Queen card is thrown and it lands face up
If a King card is thrown and it lands face up, all the guys have to drink
If an Ace card is thrown and it lands face up, the next player has to drink for as long as the total value of the cards facing up on the table
11. Spoons
Turn your gathering into a wild party with this epic game! Spoons is a fast-paced best drinking game that tests your reflexes. You snooze, you lose!
Set up: Get ready an alcoholic beverage of your choice, such as the Altos Blanco (available on Pernod Ricard Official Store). According to the group size (maximum 12 players), prepare sufficient spoons such that everyone but one player gets a spoon (eg: if there are eight players, prepare seven spoons). Place the spoons in the middle of the table, ensuring that everyone can reach for them. All players should sit around a table and assign a dealer. The dealer prepares the card deck by finding one set of four-of-a-kind (based on numbers) for each player. Then, the dealer shuffles the cards and distributes four cards per player.
How to play this best drinking game:
The dealer is in charge of shouting “pass” during the game. This signifies the time when every player has to pick a card and pass it on to the player on their right. The dealer can call “pass” as quickly or as slowly as they like.
Every time the dealer shouts “pass”, players have to pass on a card to the person next to them on the right
Players can then take a peep (without showing to other players) at the new card they receive and decide which card they want to pass on from their deck
The goal is to collect a set of four-of-a-kind based on number. Once this is achieved, the player should quickly place their cards facing up on the table and grab a spoon
The other players need to stay alert and snatch up the remaining spoons on the table.
As there is a shortage of one spoon, the player who didn’t manage to snatch a spoon loses and will have to drink up. The other players also get to knock the loser on their head with a spoon (gently!) while they drink.
Endless fun awaits with these best drinking games!
These best drinking games are perfect for the next party or Chinese New Year gathering you’re hosting with your friends. To cut down on your preparation time, check out our guide to the cheapest alcohol delivery deals in Singapore that you can get at great discounts at our CNY Sale. Not in the mood to drink? You can still have fun at a party without alcohol by playing some of the best adult card games or battling it out with these Nintendo Switch party games. Otherwise, check out these best couple games you can play with your significant other on Valentine’s Day!
This article was updated on 17 January 2022. Additional research done by Gabriel Choo.
Iris Tan
A full-time writer and a part-time cat lover, Iris takes interest in all furry friends. When she's not scrolling through her long feed of cat images on Instagram, she enjoys keeping up to date with the latest beauty and fashion trends.
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