Come March, I begin my annual longing for tropical vibes. Think long walks on a pristine sandy beach in Bali, ...
Employee benefits are something I’m sure all of us look out for when we first join a company. From a ...
While our schools prepared us for a stuffy collared-shirt-and-dress-shoes workforce, our day-to-day at Shopee can’t be more different. Don’t be ...
It was thundering outside with a howling storm. I was sitting cosily in a room on the 26th floor of ...
Drawing inspiration from the prestigious Jakarta Palembang Asian Games 2018, Shopee took on the insurmountable task of orchestrating one ourselves. Shopee ...
Original article in English available here Berburu pekerjaan merupakan hal yang memusingkan, namun tenang saja, karena kita telah menyederhanakannya untukmu! Kita ...
Tah liao superstar!
Put full of wealth.
It's good being a couch potato.
Got your tickets yet?
Snooze without the booze.
Some n-ice time with your kids.
Majulah Singapura!
More than just KBBQ.
Unleash your inner Mariah Carey
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