If Squiggly Brows weren’t enough, we now have Squiggly Lips.

First there were Squiggly Brows…

And just when we thought we’ve seen it all and that it’ll be the last of any squiggly~ make up trends, we were wrong.



Now, we have moved on to Squiggly Lips! Gone are the days of perfecting a smooth pout.



Beauty influencers and addicts have been recreating YouTuber Lexington’s lips when she posted an image on Instagram with the caption “new trend alert!”


Numerous people have shared their own take of Squiggly Lips on their own social media platforms. While some of them are clearly Photoshopped, others have used a whole lot of skill, makeup and concealer to pull it off.


Not everyone is a fan of the look. While some praise the beauty bloggers for their skill and artistry, others are just not on board. But we know one thing is for sure – in the online world, the Squiggly Lips are certainly making… waves.



Is it a YAY or NAY for you? Let us know in the comments below!



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