17 Struggles Faced By All December Babies Born In Singapore

17 Struggles Faced By All December Babies Born In Singapore

December – The time of the year when everybody is winding down, celebrating Christmas and welcoming the new year. And also, (unfortunately) the time of the year when everybody is downplaying your day and forgetting your birthday. Well, here are 17 struggles you will definitely resonate with, especially if you’re a December baby born in Singapore!

  1. You are invisible. Because ain’t nobody got time to focus on you when there is Christmas just around the corner! *sings hello darkness my old friend*

    Harry Potter Invisibility Cloak
  2. You get one present. Despite your friends and family asking you what you want for your birthday AND Christmas. And also because your relatives are just cheapskates.

    Bad present
  3. You have to give presents on your birthday month. Because office Secret Santas and Christmas gift exchanges.

    Throw present
  4. You will always get the question “So, do you receive two presents on your birthday?” Well, the answer is clearly NO.

  5. Even if you do get a present, it will probably come wrapped in Christmas wrappers. Or even worse, it might be a present recycled from last year’s gift exchange.

    Sad present
  6. Your present is nearly always cheap. Because all your friends are complaining about the endless gift exchanges they have and their depleting bank accounts from all their year-end splurges.

    Free Air
  7. Your house is never decorated with your favourite custom-made banners to celebrate your day. All you’ll see is a Christmas Tree and probably some wreath (that has already been there since you were 2 years old).

    Donald Duck Xmas Tree
  8. You will never enjoy your favourite cake from your favourite bakery. Because nobody sees the need to get another cake (apart from the customary Christmas log cake).

    Harry Potter Cake
  9. Your friends will never have time for you. Because everybody is either clearing their leave during December or busy with family commitments.

  10. Your Facebook Wall will not be flooded with “Happy Birthday” messages. Because people are just away from their constant WiFi connections and not checking Facebook as often.

  11. You will not have a good party venue unless you book your party venue three months in advance. Because every other kiasu Singaporean would’ve already booked the venues for their Christmas and year-end parties starting from the first weekend of December.

  12. Most importantly, you share your birthday month with another (more famous) December baby.

  13. Fortunately for you, there are a couple of blessings if you’re born in December!

  14. You get to FEAST on glorious food. December is the one month that is packed with endless parties and Christmas Buffets!

  15. You get to rest on the many Public Holidays or better yet, Office Closures and December School Holidays.

  16. You get to treat yourself to all the sales – 12.12, Christmas Sales, Boxing Day Sales…

  17. And most importantly, you share the same birthday as Shopee!


Let us know if you’re a December Baby or tag a December Baby in the comments below!


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*TNC Applies. Valid for new users from 23 to 30 Dec only.



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