Food & Drinks

7 Foods You Need To Minimise Aches And Maximise Gains After A Workout

So you’ve given your all in your strenuous workout and hit all those major muscle groups — good on you! To ensure you can go as hard the next day, you’ll want to be eating right when it comes to after workout meals. Instead of regretting it the next morning with aches and sores, why not repair and regrow those muscles with our guide on what to eat after a workout? From creamy nut butters to tasty fruits, get yourself educated on the best recovery foods with our favourite foods.

What to eat after a workout for maximum results

  • Carbohydrates

1. Quinoa

(Credit: Shopee Supermarket)

Quinoa has the reputation of superfood and lives up to this name with how nutrient packed it is! From its limited glycemic index that prevents that all-too-familiar food coma crash to boasting a whopping 4.4g of protein per 100g, quinoa truly is a wonder grain that deserves more attention. It’s this nutrition density that ranks quinoa above other grains if you’re considering what to eat after a workout. Baffled by the different types of quinoa available? Foodsterr’s Tricolour Quinoa (available on Shopee Supermarket) makes things simple as it gives you the three main quinoa variations. Whether you prefer the earthiness of black quinoa, chewiness of red quinoa or the fluffiness of white quinoa, you’ll appreciate the versatility of quinoa in all your after workout meals.

2. Bananas


Deciding on what to eat after a workout that’s super intensive? Why not replenish those glycogen stores with bananas!  By making your body more sensitive to insulin, bananas effectively target your strained muscles and supercharge your recovery. Also, it helps that bananas contain compounds like dopamine and polyphenols! These effectively contribute to that post-workout high and reduce inflammation so you’re at 100% for your next workout. On the lookout for affordable banana bunches? We have you covered with SLH Philippines Banana (available on slhfreshfruits). With quick delivery, you’ll never need to deal with overripe bananas as they deliver them to you with guaranteed freshness.

  • Protein

3. Greek Yoghurt

Greek yoghurt is a favourite among athletes for good reason. From its low calories to promoting gut health, greek yoghurt is a mineral treasure trove for anyone wondering what to eat after a workout. If all this isn’t enough, the highlight is that each serving of greek yoghurt is also a concentrated protein source! This makes recovery and repairing those tired muscles a cinch when you load up on this protein-rich food. We’re recommending EasiYo Greek And Passionfruit Yoghurt (available on Shopee Supermarket) as the sweetness of the honey perfectly counteracts the characteristic sourness of greek yoghurt, making this palatable for the pickiest of eaters. Protein-wise, 200g of Easiyo’s palatable yoghurt nets you 7.4g — an amount you’d usually only find in products like milk. Ultimately, all these nutrients combine to make greek yoghurt a powerhouse in both macro and micro nutrients.

4. Chicken Breast

(Credit: GrocerKing Official Store)

Everyone knows you should pack on the meat when it comes to after workout food. When it comes to meaty goodness, chicken breast tops the list because it combines affordability with leanness. Without the potential carcinogenic hazards of a strict red meat diet, this lean white meat goes the extra length of nourishing with macronutrients. Think healthy fats and oodles of protein. With enough creativity and technique, chicken breasts from the best meat delivery vendors don’t have to be dry or tasteless. Thanks to the tenderising method of vacuum sealing and heating in a water bath, Sous Vide Chicken Breast (available on GrocerKing Official Store) becomes a tasty snack if you’re deciding on what to eat after a workout. For a bonus treat, go wild with the spices — these enhance the poultry’s taste without majorly increasing the overall calorie count.

5. Chocolate Milk

(Credit: friendmartsg)

What if it was possible to have your cake and eat it when it comes to post-workout recovery? For athletes bulking and putting on muscle, it can be hard finding something that’s high in nutrients and calories for weight maintenance. That’s why chocolate milk is pegged as the best drink to complement high calorie diets! By combining its high fat content with the protein richness of milk, you’ll never need to fret about a calorie deficit again. Did we also mention chocolate milk replenishes lost electrolytes? Instead of chugging sugar-laced energy drinks, make the switch to chocolate milk so you can reap its macronutrient benefits! If you’re lactose intolerant, check out chocolate oat milk like Oatly Chocolate (available on friendmartsg). Despite its nutty foundations, Oatly Chocolate features the same creamy goodness you’d expect from chocolate cow milk. It’s so good, you’ll feel like you’re chugging melted vanilla ice cream!

  • Fats

6. Nuts

(Credit: Shopee Supermarket)

Contrary to popular belief, not all fats are bad for you! Specifically, unsaturated fats like omega-3 fatty acids are key recovery drivers as they boost joint health while soothing inflamed muscles. With so many nut variations to choose from when deciding what to eat after a workout, we figured it was best to just get all of them. Nature’s Wonder The Royal Mix (available on Shopee Supermarket) contains everything from macadamias and cashews to almonds and walnuts. From rich omega-3 fatty reserves to a distinct lack of cholesterol and trans fat, you can snack on these healthy nuts guilt-free while speeding up your recovery.

7. Peanut Butter

(Credit: Shopee Supermarket)

Of all the foods on this rundown on what to eat after a workout, we dare say peanut butter is the most all-encompassing! Let’s first start with peanut butter’s main draw — the healthy fats. From negating heart disease to promoting weight loss, peanut butter’s unsaturated fats and incredible amounts of protein make it a winning food that should be added to every after workout meal! Ideally, you’d want peanut butter that’s low in cholesterol and trans fats and high in protein and good fats. That’s where Nut Brothers Chunky Peanut Butter (available on Shopee Supermarket) comes in. As our go-to brand for peanut butter sandwiches, Nut Brothers’ peanut butter delivers a well-balanced mix of macro and micro nutrients. From generous protein and fat servings to recovery drivers like potassium and magnesium, you’ll be hard pressed to find a better snack to aid with recovery!

Nutrient-rich after workout meals with these potent recovery foods

From clean and lean chicken breast to dopamine-filled bananas, we hope our rundown helps you decide what to eat after a workout for faster recovery and maximum muscle gains! Interested in putting your newly planned diet into action? Why not give these a try after working out in your very own home gym! Alternatively, if you’re more of a spin cycle enthusiast, give these best spinning bikes a shot.

This article was updated on 12 October 2021. Additional research done by Fatimah Tasmeem. 

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Bryant Tay

When he's not telling others why Tom Holland is the best Spider-man, Bryant can be found indulging in football banter and exploring the vast world of gym fitness. He'll also buy you a cup of coffee if you can name a video game he's never heard of!

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Bryant Tay